Gambling Clinic Manchester

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  1. Recently, medications such as antidepressants, opioid antagonists, and mood stabilizers have been shown to be beneficial in combination with gambling treatment by a Manchester gambling counsellor.
  2. Dr Matt Gaskell, clinical lead and consultant psychologist for the NHS northern gambling clinics in Manchester, Leeds and Sunderland, tells me the most common formats that bring patients to the.
  1. Gambling Clinic Manchester New Jersey
  2. Nhs Gambling Clinic Manchester

Leon House Residential Rehabilitation Clinic treats a wide range of psychological disorders and addictions. Our renowned team of doctors, psychiatrists and counsellors provide specialist care and support in complete privacy, identifying and treating the underlying causes that lead to mental health issues and addiction.

Greater Manchester Alcohol and Drug Rehab Clinics

Do you live in or around the Greater Manchester area, are you or a loved one battling with addiction and the misery it brings? There will never be a better time to take a positive step towards recovery than right now.

An addiction is often a well-established mental health and behavioural illness , it is actually difficult to manage without specialised help. We are able to help and care for people who live in Greater Manchester. Call us now for FREE and confidential admissions advice.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Residential Centres in Greater Manchester
There are many reasons why you might be searching for drug and alcohol rehab in Greater Manchester for yourself or for a loved one or even a work colleague. Anyone can develop a drug or alcohol addiction at a point in their life, and while it can sometimes be triggered by an event or circumstances, there will often be an underlying need that has not been addressed that causes these behavioural conditions. The Recovery Trust members don’t judge people for their addictions, we simply try to help them understand the underlying causes and lead them towards effective recovery through our best practice rehab approaches.

Is Residential Rehab treatment for me?

Whether you have an alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, prescription drug or any other type of behaviour that is compulsive, you’ll no doubt be overwhelmed by the choice when you search online. These range from home detoxes to alternative therapies and outpatient clinics. It can be difficult to decide which type of addiction treatment options might work best for you.

Many people think that it might be possible to do rehab as an outpatient. Experience and science show that for the vast majority – an extended period of residential rehab, where you are supported in safe surroundings is the best way forward. People in recovery find it difficult to be in their home environment after all this is might be the place where the temptation to drink or use drugs is most acute.

During private residential rehab, clients are supported through the detox phase and encouraged to open up during group therapy and one to one sessions. The programmes involve intensive drug and alcohol counselling and also cover workshops on relapse prevention, setting yourself up for the best chance of success. The aim isn’t just to get you off drugs and alcohol, but to ensure you have a comprehensive ‘box of tools’ you need to stay sober for the rest of your life.

It can also help to spend time away from the home environment, especially if you have a difficult home situation or could be influenced by friends who drink or use drugs. While several months or so, sounds like a long time to be away – when you look at the rest of your life, it’s going to be a fantastic investment and as we know time flies by. It’s well worth the effort to get the rehab help freeing you from the misery of alcoholism, drug abuse or other damaging behaviour.

A day in the life of a Person at a Recovery Centre

Gambling Clinic Manchester

If you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Greater Manchester and considering a private residential program, then you may be wondering what your daily routine will be like. There’s often the impression that rehabs are clinical, austere and depressing places, your Recovery Trust rehab centre will be a homely and friendly environment. Some centres are more like fancy hotels or spas, while some have more basic facilities. Whichever Recovery Trust rehab centre you visit one thing is constant and that is the quality of care and professionalism.

Day to day life in rehab is made up of lots of different types of activities and treatments.

An ideal day would consist of waking after a restful nights sleep, dining together for a healthy breakfast and then heading out for some exercise. Whether that is a gentle walk or something more robust. This might be followed by a group therapy session. Most centres will make extensive use of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), which can be a great way to learn more about the underlying trauma or other experiences that may have led to your addiction. You will join a support group, which is led by an experienced addiction counsellor, you will discuss addiction from many different standpoints. It is usual to have a one to one session although these might typically be one a week.

You may be discouraged from using smartphones and encouraged to engage in a simpler more connected way of existing, although each rehab’s policies on this differ so well worth checking out in advance.

Some centres will also offer holistic therapies, from massages, meditation, reiki to aromatherapy, all of which can help you relax and unwind, without the use of substances.

Many clients who come to us for addiction recovery will have underlying health issues due to neglecting themselves. Sleep and rest are always essential elements of good health, along with good nutrition and exercise. You will find that not only will you be given great food, but you will also be coached about eating better and taking time to look after yourself generally and giving yourself a great level of self-care.

Listed Common Addictions

Gambling Clinic Manchester

Addictions – Substance

Alcohol, Tobacco, Opioids (like heroin), Prescription drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics like sleeping pills and tranquilizers), Cocaine, Cannabis (marijuana), Amphetamines (like methamphetamine, known as meth), Hallucinogens (LSD, Mushrooms), Inhalants

List of Addictions – Behavioural

Food (eating), Sex Pornography (attaining, viewing), Using computers / the internet, Playing video games, Working, Exercising, Spiritual obsession (as opposed to religious devotion), Pain (seeking), Cutting, Shopping, Gambling

What Next After Rehab?

When you leave rehab the first few months or year is going to be the most difficult to get through, all centres will have their own aftercare programmes. The centre will also help you access support services around the Greater Manchester area. Sometimes this means lining you up with new interests and pastimes, maybe following on from the new skills and life skills you have learned and begun to practise and hopefully enjoy. For some, it may mean helping with follow-on housing and getting into a better living environment and situation.

Gambling Clinic Manchester

Covid 19 Precautions

All our facilities are continuing to operate, and most are able to accept new admissions, but with modified operating procedures to respond to the Covid 19 outbreak. This is subject to change following the best advice from Government and local conditions.

If you’re considering drug and alcohol rehab in Greater Manchester, call a Recovery Trust centre and we’ll be happy to talk you through the treatment offered for drug and alcohol addiction.

The NHS Northern Gambling Service has established a new gambling addiction clinic based in Manchester as part of its efforts to help more people who are suffering from problem gambling in the northern part of the country.

The new base of the service is in Salford Quays. It is set to serve North Wales, the northern midlands and the North West of England. It will host several specialists, including a senior mental health nurse, a consultant psychiatrist, a consultant psychologist and clinical psychologist, who will take care of people who need help to battle severe addictions, as well as individuals who are dealing with additional mental health problems. The professionals working in the new NHS clinic will also help people who may be at risk, including the risk of taking their own lives.

The NHS Northern Gambling Service started operation in September 2019. And now, the new clinic in North West England is the latest addition to the NHS gambling service network and will operate as part of the commitments made by the National Health Service in its Long Term Plan as part of the organisation’s policy aimed at tackling gambling addiction.

Gambling Clinic Manchester New Jersey

NHS Northern Gambling Service Backs Problem Gamblers Who Fight Addiction

The boss of the new NHS Northern Gambling Service, Matthew Gaskell, explained that the new clinic in Manchester is set to help the National Health Service make its services more accessible to people who live in the North West part of England – a region that, according to recent reports, is home to thousands of people who need support to deal with their problem gambling.

Mr Gaskell described gambling addiction as a “new public health crisis” because it ends up causing serious harm to a massive number of people across the UK. According to regulatory reports, the harm which problem gambling inflicts to individuals involves not only serious mental health problems but also falling into debt, loss of employment, homelessness, family and relationship breakdowns, crime, and even suicide.

As explained by the new clinical lead, the NHS Northern Gambling Service works alongside a number of other charity organisations and agencies aimed at supporting people with such gambling problems. The Service also provides support and professional advice for their families and friends, as well as to anyone who might be affected by their gambling addiction.

Back in September 2019, the first NHS gambling clinic outside London started operation in Leeds. According to previously revealed data, there are currently more than 10,000 problem gamblers in Leeds only. A recent survey has shown that one person takes their own life every day due to gambling addiction, which has been one of the main reasons why the NHS has started the operation of the Northern Gambling Service and has received £34 billion from the Government to fund its Long Term Plan.

  • Author

Daniel Williams

Daniel Williams has started his writing career as a freelance author at a local paper media. After working there for a couple of years and writing on various topics, he found his interest for the gambling industry.

Nhs Gambling Clinic Manchester

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