Craps Odds Bet Multiples

Craps Odds Bet Multiples 4,6/5 6847 reviews

Odds Craps Bets. Now that you are familiar with the four most essential bets in the dice game, we will describe the other types of wagers, so that you will be able to establish your craps betting strategy. Odds wagers resemble side bets, and players make them after the establishment of a point in each game.

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  1. The effect is the same as making a place bet or buying odds, but the house edge is different depending on the multiple of odds allowed. In the case of 20 times odds the house edge of the put bet on the 4 and 10 is 1.59%, on the 5 and 9 is 0.95%, and on the 6 and 8 is 0.43%.
  2. Therefore, betting on three different numbers at 1/3 total each will have less variance than betting it all on only one number. With that said, when a strategy involves less money on the odds and more money on bets with a house edge (as yours sounds like), you will lose more money in the 'long term'.
  3. Odds bets are expressed as a multiple of the original wager that they’re placed behind. Taking 2x odds on a $5 pass line bet would make your overall wager worth $15 (5 + 10). The advantage of larger free odds is that you lower the house edge on your combined bet. Odds don’t carry a house advantage, but the initial bets do.
Hello: Is it more profitable to make multiple dont come bets with double odds until the dont come bet is resolved or just to stick with one dont come bet with double free odds or the maximum allowable amount of odds on the single bet until the single bet is resolved or does it make no difference? thanks to anyone for advice.
My best understanding is it makes no difference; each is an independent, -EV bet, assuming you're betting max odds in each scenario. The rest is up to the variance of the dice. The same 7 resolves all DC bets in your favor, and the chance of the 7 coming up doesn't change regardless of the number of come bets you have. You're just winning or losing faster, but with the same chances of doing either, with more action on the table.
If your bankroll and the table allow you to take enough odds (say 5x or 10x), that should be slightly better for you on one number than the other, as you're only paying vig on the base amount of the DC bet, though it's still -EV overall.
I could be wrong. The Math Guys are welcome to chime in, including correcting my post if necessary.
Welcome to the forum!
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
Thank you so much. I have had much better results just using one number but I can only bet up to 4X odds at the casino I use and only on the outside numbers. I find using multiple bets the numbers get picked off too often before the bet is resolved and I suppose depending on the variance of the random bit # generator sometimes a 7 takes many more rolls than 6 and in the interim I stand to lose much money.
You're only losing money on your exposure to the DP/DC bet... odds mean nothing in terms of 'profitability'. Long story short, we're talking a difference in variance. The more bets you spread your money around to should, theoretically, decrease your variance. Therefore, betting on three different numbers at 1/3 total each will have less variance than betting it all on only one number.
With that said, when a strategy involves less money on the odds and more money on bets with a house edge (as yours sounds like), you will lose more money in the 'long term'. Everybody has to draw a line somewhere, you have to decide if the variance decrease is worth however much more you're giving up in expected value.
Edit: Flow
Its - Possessive; It's - 'It is' / 'It has'; There - Location; Their - Possessive; They're - 'They are'
Craps Odds Bet Multiples
the HE is unaffected, but you are putting a lot into action. The more you bet against the HE, the more you are expected to lose
I understand getting sucked in to the idea that the odds are on your side once it gets to being a whole bunch of numbers to be resolved darkside. But it is better [for me anyway] not to have so much in action. I sure have watched them get picked off one by one.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder

I find using multiple bets the numbers get picked off too often before the bet is resolved
I suppose
depending on the variance of the
sometimes a 7 takes many more rolls than 6 and in the interim I stand to lose much money.

Craps Odds Bet Multiplesthe average is 1 in 6, your mileage might vary.
a bit over 50% of the time the wait time for your 7 is just 4 rolls or less
can go way past that and it does
of course a DC will lose on a 7out
such a sucker bet

Craps Odds Bet Multiples 100

Back to the random
you play craps on a machine?
where and what machine some can ask?
I Heart Vi Hart
I just play craps online. That's why I refer to the random bit number generator.

This question comes up all the time. Which is a better bet in the game of Craps, a ‘Come Bet’ or a ‘Place Bet’?

Both Come Bets and Place Bets play vital rolls within different strategies and based on the particular strategy you’re using, you could make the case that either is better than the other, and not be wrong.

But, if you take a closer look at the characteristics of both Come and Place bets individually, you may be very surprised by the answer.

If you’re like me, when I was learning to play craps, I was taught to remember two things;

  1. Always play a Pass Line Bet with 2 Come Bets and back them up with as much in Odds as you can, and
  2. To win, you have to lower the house edge as much as possible and Free Odds on the PL and Come Bets are the best way to do that

To this day, when a novice player walks up to the table, that’s what the dealer, and other novice players, tell them, “Place a Come Bet and back it up with odds. So, that’s what I did. Some days, when the table was hot, I’d walk away a pretty solid winner, but when the table was choppy or cold, I would usually lose and lose fast.

After playing craps for a while, you get to know who the pros are, and I started noticing that while some of them played the Pass Line, virtually none of them used Come Bets. They were Placing Bets instead and they were winning more often than I was. How could that be? I was taught the 2 most important keys to winning, or so I thought.

Adding to my confusion, was that when my Come Bet + Odds won for the same amount as their Place Bet, the dealer was delivering a lot more chips to me than them, until I realized that almost half the chips I was getting was from my bet coming down.

It was time to take a closer look at the real differences between Come Bets and Place Bets, and I was pretty astounded by what I found out.

Craps Secrets Tip: Use Place Bets instead of Come Bets unless they’re part of a larger overall strategy.


The first thing to do is to check the house edge on both Come Bets and Place Bets. The house edge is the casino advantage on the bet and what you can expect to happen in the long run. The chart below shows the difference between the two.

The clear winner here is Come Bets with Free Odds and at only 1.41% for the Come, the more you back in odds, the lower you can drive the house edge.

BUT… I soon realized, there’s a number of things that the house edge on these bets doesn’t take into account.

  • House edge is only calculated based on having won the bet. The Come + Odds has to win, before you can claim an advantage over Place Bets
  • Come Bets are contract bets meaning once it travels to the number, it stays there until a decision is made. You don’t have the option of taking it down if you feel a Seven is coming (Odds can come down). Place Bets, on the other hand, can be taken down or turned off at any time.
  • Come Bets are live during the Come-Out roll, Place Bets are not (unless you make them live). After hitting a point, if the shooter rolls a seven, your Come Bets lose.
  • AND… to take advantage of the lower house edge, the number has to hit twice. First to travel to the number, then to hit the number and win.

The house edge advantage of Come Bets over Place Bets is much more cloudy when you take these factors into consideration.


Let’s take a look at the payout differences between Come Bets and Place Bets. With a lower house edge, you would expect that Come Bets would clearly outperform Place Bets in this area. WELL, NOT SO FAST… Let’s take a look.

For our example, we’ll use a $10 minimum table and use the payouts for the box number (5). The place bet on the (5) carries a 4.00% house edge vs. the Come Bet at 1.41% + Free Odds. Should be easy, right?

You’re probably as surprised as I was at the results since everything I had been told was to key on Free Odds, Come Bets and House Edge. This also explains why the pros that were using Place Bets instead of Come Bets were winning significantly more than I was.

The payout is where Place Bets take a clear lead over Come Bets in a number of ways even though Free Odds are supposed to give you the biggest payouts.

  • On the first hit of the number, the Come Bet travels to the number and needs to be hit again before there is any payout. The Place Bet on the (9) pays out $14 on the first hit.
  • Even when you add 4 times Odds to your Come Bet, the Place Bet still pays out more on the second hit.
    • This is due to the Come Bet itself that is only paid out at 1 to 1, so while the Odds pay out at a higher rate, it needs to make up the lesser payout on the original Come Bet
  • When you get to 5 times Odds or a total of $60 in bets, the Come Bet beats the Place Bet by $1, BUT… you still haven’t made up the $14 win on the first hit.
  • It takes almost 20X Odds before your Come Bet pays out more that the Place Bet including the 1st hit on the number. In our example, that would mean putting $200 behind your $10 come bet to outpace a Place Bet.
    • While you can still find casinos that offer 100X Odds, most have moved to 3/4/5X Odds and some at 10X, which keeps your Come Bets producing less than Place Bets on the craps tables.

Based on the findings above, unless you’re at a casino that offers at least 20X Odds AND have the bankroll to support $200+ bets, you’re significantly better off using Place Bets to win at the casino.

When I made the switch to Place Bets, I became a lot more consistent at leaving the casino with their money in my pockets rather than the other way around.

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